Navigating the realm of art and comedy can often feel like walking a tightrope, especially when politics enter the picture. This episode features a conversation with Jason Seiler, an esteemed illustrator whose work has graced...
Uncover the candid and quirky world of Michelle MaliZAki, a stand-up comedian navigating the waters of cultural identity and humor. Our conversation with her is a delightful romp through her personal experiences from being a ...
Jon Barinholtz, a comedic actor and improviser who took the leap from Chicago to the glitzy world of Hollywood is our very special guest today. Jon's journey is one of passion, perseverance, and learning from the best in the ...
Ever wondered how an improv comedy group can create a hit TV show? Kate Lambert joins us to discuss her journey from the world of improv to the creation of her show, Teachers, on TV Land. We explore the origins …
Our family migration stories take center stage as we explore our shared connections to Mexico, Texas, Chicago, Ohio, and LA. We touch on the Bracero program and the stops our families made along the way, as well as the names …
In this episode we learn: 1) How difficult it is create and market a success app (only 1% of all apps are successful). 2) Why using the Owwll App to make new business connections and to network makes perfect sense. …
Ben Morrison has been doing stand up comedy for over 20 years and has discovered the importance of social media to help him land branding deals with major companies. Ben can also fully produce your next stand up comedy specia...
"I could be a training wheels gay for a homophobe. I'm a very safe and non-threatening gay person." - Andrew Roffe
In a world of increasing polarization, Kelly Leonard is working to bridge the divide and bring people together by teaching the power of improv. In this episode you will learn: 1. The importance of play, especially as we get o...
Clayton Farris discusses his journey from Dallas to Hollywood and what it's like to be a working actor in Hollywood. We discuss whether it is easier to date men or women and who it's easier to have sex with. Another …
Film & voice actor, improv teacher, musician & gamer reveals the direct impact that improv has had is his very successful acting career and why YOU should be studying improv. We discuss Lincoln Hoppe's improv teaching program...
Stephanie Clark tells us about the LA comedy scenes as well as what it's like being married to fellow stand up comedian and improvisor, Tom Clark. Steph Clark is described as "a rising star in the Los Angeles comedy scene," …
Comedic actor and author of DC's Sasquatch Detective, chats about her time working at MADtv, Family Guy and many other comedic shows of the last decade. Brandee Stilwell shares with us some incredible stories about Ron Jeremy...
The importance of studying improvisational comedy, not just for acting but for relationships, business and life in general is one of the many exciting topics that we cover today on Paul Vato Presents with our very special gue...
Natalya Michelle discusses her career as an actor and director and now a social media maven. By just implementing some of her tips, tricks and recommendations you will definitely see a growth in your social media presence. NA...